It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to play and demo the Lightning Boy Audio Soul Drive, as well as having the opportunity to give this pedal away to a lucky reader! Based on the comments and reactions across the inter-webs, it’s clear that people are digging the sound of this overdrive. I love the fact that there is a NOS 12AU7 tube sticking out of this unit, and the tone is what you’d expect from it… awesome. For those of you that didn’t see/hear the demo, please check it out here: Lightning Boy Audio Soul Drive Demo
I want to send a special thank you to everyone involved with Lightning Boy Audio. A great group of folks there. Please, visit their site and check out their other products. If you didn’t win the pedal, it’s worth buying. I would recommend that purchase.
Ok, so the winner of the Lightning Boy Audio Soul Drive is Randy S. of Buffalo, NY. Congrats Randy! The pedal ships out today and you should receive it in a few days. Please let us know what you think of it!!
I have another set of pedals to give away starting in April, so please keep an eye out for those. I wanted to thank all of you as well… thanks for reading/visiting EffectsBay. I very much appreciate it!!
12 years ago
Thanks effects bay and also a big thank you to lightning boy audio. Can’t wait to have a little soul drive in my life.
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12 years ago
American, french… Nothing to do with it, man.
It’s great that they do these at all. Rock on!