Today’s pedal line is from Thomas Cruz. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
Greetings Effects Bay Community,
First things first, my favorite band is Incubus. If you haven’t noticed already my setup is modeled after the one and only Mike Einziger. Good thing about this setup is that I pretty much cover all the bases regarding types of pedals so it allows me to play almost anything. The following is the order in which I have everything wired from guitar to amp, I’m using Lava Cables and a Diago Tourman Board.
Boss TU3 – Tuner- not much to say here, gets the job done.
Boss DS1 – Distortionor Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer- I switch back and forth between the two, it all depends on how many clean songs I decide to play. Distortion is set on a low gain for some added crunch when I stack with other pedals.
Morley Volume/Wah– Wah is decent, volume control is good. I would like to have more control over the rate in which I can do volume swells, it sometimes feels too lose.
Digitech Overdrive – this is my favorite “cheap” pedal. I call it the Foo Fighters distortion because it reminds me of a RAT pedal. Sounds great when stack with big muff overdrive.
Electro-Harmonix Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi Overdrive Distortion Pedal– I love the overdrive on this pedal, its not too overbearing and I can stack with my other distortions pretty well. The fuzz is good, especially with the voltage control. My go-to for Grudge music.
DOD FX25B Envelope Filter– when I’m too lazy to use the Wah and I need some funk this where I go.
Start of Effects Loop
Golden Path Effects Loop – true bypass, just a button when you want the crazy sounds.
MXR Micro Amp Effects Pedal – always on pedal, I use as a buffer to push the signal through the loop.
MXR Eddie Van Halen Phase 90 Pedal – this shit goes good on anything, like Franks…
Hughes Kettner Tube Rotosphere MKII The Analog Leslie Simulator – this one emptied my wallet but it was worth. Way better than any chorus pedal and what my buddy calls Black Hole Sun.
Danelectro DTE-1 Reel Echo Effects Pedal – Rarely use. One song, one solo, Pistola.
DOD Gonkulator FX13 – this was a pain in the ass to get but I needed to complete my dream setup, sounds like crap but is used in a couple of Incubus songs (Glass, Pedulous Threads)
Boss Ph-2 Super Phaser – two of these, this is the dead giveaway for my Incubus setup. One is set at a slow rate, more flanger like. Other is setup to maximum warble. Boss Ph-2 Super Phaser
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay Guitar Pedal – Got this one for free, one of the best delays I’ve every used.
End of Effects Loop
TC Electronic TonePrint Hall of Fame Reverb Signal Path Pedal – GF got this for me on Christmas. I love to keep some reverb on so it stays outside of the loop
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus Universal Power Supply – Power 2x Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus Universal Power Supply
Stutter Bombâ„¢– (little silver box by the surge protector) not hooked up, this is a killswitch. I don’t have room for my Digitech whammy so I’ll put on another board in case I want to play some RATM.
13 years ago
I love seeing the pedal labels lately.
Now I can try out other people favorite settings on pedal we both have.
For instance, I’m about to check out his Gonkulator settings.
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13 years ago
The loop pedal contains the signal path of my modulation effects, this allows me to turn on and off with one click rather than turning off multiple pedals. I tend to use phasers and delays together and I hated tap dancing across my board so by placing it next to my distortion I can turn the modulation and quickly layer fuzz.
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12 years ago
have you looked at other true-bypass lopping pedals? ie: mxr, loop master, keeley….and been able to compare them to the golden path you have? i’ve searched for an hour on reviews of that and their a/b pedal and you are the only thing I’ve found. soooo…..what do ya think of it?