I’ve been working on pedals for a few months now. I absolutely love tweaking. I’ve been having issues and challenges, but these have really helped me learn the ‘process’. I didn’t really like building kits, since I feel it’s a little too ‘auto-pilot’. I really wanted to learn and understand how electrical components affect the signal, etc.
About a month ago I stumbled across this video which is EXACTLY why I don’t like kits. This is showing Brian Wampler (Wampler Pedals) working the breadboard and tweaking the circuits to get the sound he’s searching for in his head to come out of the amp. To do this, you need to really understand how these components work.. or at the very least have the balls to mess things up. Kits are great to get started with the soldering iron, etc., but the breadboard is where it’s at for creating something instead of just building something.
15 years ago
I’ve done a few of the Wampler mods from his “How to mod pedals” book. But would really like to be able to make them from scratch as well. I was thinking of getting Wamplers other 2 books which are supposed to be more about designing your own. Have you read those. Or how are you going about learning this kind of “circuit theory”?