How many times have you heard the saying “It’s built like a tank” when it comes to pedals? All the time. Hell, I’ve said it more than once on this blog. When it comes to pedals, we want them durable. You’re jumping on them, stomping on them, and they’re getting beat up transported from place to place. Just the fact you have something on the floor, you expect abuse. Beer, sweat, dirt and guitars/gear falling on them are all possibilities. The possibility of dropping a pedal is there too, and you want them to survive this abuse. So, they better be built like a tank. I get it.
Now, there are a few pedals out there that have some fragile components in there – specifically – tubes. You wouldn’t want to drop your tube amp. Now, can these types of pedals be built like a tank? I’ve seen tube pedals with bars to prevent you stepping on the exposed tubes and breaking the tubes or compromising the tube sockets. But how tough are they?
Well, the other day, my questions were answered with a crazy video from Lightning Boy Audio, doing a few tests with their Op-2 Comp. The Lighting Boy Audio Op-2 Comp is loaded with a pair of NOS 12AU7 tubes. So the test was to drop it off a roof (16′ above the ground) to a concrete surface below. Um.. that’s crazy. Check it out…
I’ve seen a few tests like this in the past. Always seems interesting, but this one sort of blew my mind. I was super impressed that the tubes held up. There is no question about the durability of this pedal.
If you’re looking at a ‘top shelf’ compressor – be sure to check out the Lighting Boy Audio Op-2 Comp
8 years ago
But will it stop a speeding bullet?
Here’s a hint, if the boys that make these things are going to try this, use the S&W M10 revolver like they used in the opening of the ’50s Superman TV show. It was a .38 Special caliber std police issue sidearm loaded with the stock 158 grain lead round nose bullet loaded to around 800-850 ft/sec (pretty anemic) like they issued to police officers back in the day.
Don’t shoot at the top or sideways aspect of the pedal as I don’t think the actual tubes would fare well; even a glancing blow might produce some lead shards that would damage the tubes.
Go ahead. I triple dog dare ya.
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