Today’s Pedal Line Friday submission is from Cyril Meleiro. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
I’m cyril, i’m the guitarist of the band “The Zero Point Field” where you can hear the full potential of that thing. we play instrumental progressive rock jazz funk fusion( thats the closest definition of what we do i could find) with sometimes some samples of people quotes from movies, scientist lectures, public speeches…
here is a link to our soundcloud: and our page (on facebook)
we recorded our first EP about 8 month ago, you can download it for free there:
we also have a you tube channel:
It looks like a lot but we are just a small band. we recently just changed keyboard player and we’ll be looking for gigs all around london again around mars.
here is my line in order from the guitar (US fender stratocaster standard 2012 with Kinman pickups and custom wiring): – Polytuner TC Electronic; small and very convenient – Keeley compressor pro; highly recommend it, very powerful tool – Microtube B7K by Darkglass Electronics; usually used as an overdrive for bass but i use it as a booster which works like a charm – HOG2 by EHX; insane machine, limitless possibilities, check it out on you tube – Ravish Sitar by EHX; supposedly a sitar thing but i use it mainly to draw crazy guitar sounds with it as i usually mix it with other effects – Catalinbread Heliothrope (bit crusher); don’t really play real lines or riffs with that one, mainly use it to produce very digital sounds then i (sometime abruptly) tweek the knobs to add weirder sounds. but i guess its just a matter of time before i start writing something with that.- Wahzoo wah by Voodoo Lab; after trying maybe 20 or 30 wah that is the best one (to me) really sounds like the Clyde McCoy and the step filter function is amazing.- BB+ preamp by Xotic Effects; great double overdrive, but as all dirt pedals you love it, then you get use to it, then you replace it, and the process restart all over again; that have been said i have had this one for a year which is a record (for me), but I’m lurking at the double barrel form JHS to replace it…- Dime distortion from MXR;I know what you thinking(wtf??!) and I’m sorry but from time to time i like the dirt extremely aggressive, which that pedal do very well, specially as i push the all thing to its maximum – Death by Audio Apocalypse; same story, its a dirt pedal (fuzz); i have to say tho, i think i have passed something like 30 fuzz in the past 3 years and that one is from far the most powerful and the most versatile, which is rare in the “fuzz world”- Decimator 2 G string by ISP (“dec in/out” line, the “guitar in/out” line is in between the ravish and the heliothrope); awesome and simple noise gate- Ola by Strymon; i really like choruses for two reasons: to use for a shinnier sound (settled set up) or for extremes ones(quick sweep,very deep, low tones…) and as all strymon gear this one is perfect – Super Pulsar by EHX; i didn’t try many tremolo, i use to have the pulsar (the model before) but that one takes the throne, there so many possibilities i didn’t have the time to dig deep in that one yet, its one of the last that came in.- Rainbow machine by Earthquaker Devices; there is no description for that pedal that can be accomplished with words, literally, go on you tube – Keeley 4 knobs compressor; just using it there to lift the signal before going in the preamp, most knobs are at around 12′- Preamp of my combo amp (USA fender blues deluxe 1992 with celestion speaker and kit)- programmable EQ by Source Audio; don’t know much about EQ but this one is clearly making a difference on my sound, a good difference- Boss FV 300H volume pedal; passive, perfect balanced curve, simple, all you need for a volume(its huge tho, but at least your foot seats nicely on it which gives you better control, very useful for swells)- Particle delay by Red Panda; psycho delay for people like me i guess that are searching for more that just an effect but still wants quality – Tracer City by Snazzy FX; double filter sweeping kind of thing… i have no idea what that thing really is, but i know that you can create insane landscapes with it, specially when mixed with other effects- Starlight Flanger by Subdecay; amazing and solid multiflangers sounds, that box must have a unicorn running in a wheel in it cause it reproduce all the flanger sounds we love from the 60’s and 70’s better than any other stuff i tryed- El Capistan tape delay by Strymon; Strymon,that’s all i have to say, i don’t think there is anything else to say after that; however I’m seriously looking to replace it for the Source audio nemesis delay, most people go for the timeline, but that’s a bit much for me, i don’t overuse delay- Blue Sky reverb by Strymon; best reverb in the world and again lots of people go for the big sky but that one doesn’t do shimmer reverb which i use a lot for soundscapes or just to finish a solo and come out of it smoothly using the volume pedal.- then to the power amp
the silver box with the green LEDs is an Expressionator by Mission Engineering;I’m using it for expression pedal on the ravish sitar, the super pulsar and the particle (which i sometimes switch for the rainbow) -i use 2 power source: voodoo lab mondo and mxr dunlop mc403 CAE power supply- patch cables and instruments cable are all George L’s which i highly recommend (even over van damme) there it is let me know if you have any question
9 years ago
ok i've been told it didnt, anyway there is more than enough for me in the blue sky, i dont need more