Today’s pedal line is from Bill Scherer. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
I play bass, mostly fretless, not in a band. I jam with friends and my son. Signal path is: bass > TC Electronics Polytune mini > 3Leaf Wonderlove > EHX Soul Preacher. In the effects loop of the Wonderlove is DIY fuzz pedal and a Boss PQ-3B. It is all powered by a DIY regulated nine volt supply.
It has been a slow evolution to this point, with various fuzzes and filters. The Wonderlove is near perfection; the effects loop is genius. I tried the MXR El Grande bass fuzz and the Way Huge Swollen Pickle, but the fuzz I made delivers the tone I want without the low end dropping out like so many others. The Soul Preacher does an ok job, after setting the internal trim pot properly, and keeping to lower settings. It is the next pedal to be replaced, when I discover the right compressor for me. The eq is the oldest pedal on the board, and I have no complaints about it; it is quiet and effective. The tuner is new, and works perfectly. Lastly, the board is diy. Two pieces of pine and some industrial velco. It all fits into a backpack for easy travel.
Thanks for considering my board and also for!
Bill Scherer
11 years ago
Where did you get the materials for your power supply? How much did it cost? Also, I’ve found a compressor works best for me when I put it in front of other effects, so you might try to see how that sounds.
Reply -
11 years ago
Kellan –
Most of the power supply materials can be had at Radio Shack, DigiKey, or Mouser. Mine was put together from mostly junk box stuff…an old 12v AC wall wart, a bridge rectifier, a 9v regulator, and some capacitors. I had the 8 port RCA panel and the case on hand as well. Had to by the materials for the cables and input port. My total cost was maybe $20 plus my time. If you don’t have a lot of parts on hand, just get a Fuel Tank or similar. It’s less hassle.
I put the compressor at the end because you don’t want one in front of your envelope filter. The compressor evens out your envelope, and then your filter is like a cocked wah…no quack.