Well it had to be done. I have to give the JHS SuperBolt away. I they say, “if you love something, set it free”. But before I set it free, I want to make sure I thank Thunder Road Guitars – an awesome vintage and new guitar/amp/effects shop located in Seattle, WA and of course the fine folks over at JHS Pedals for designing the SuperBolt. So special thanks to these guys.
Next I would like to thank all of you. The community that follow and read EffectsBay is awesome, and if I could I would give more stuff away to you guys. It’s one of my favorite things to do for sure. There were a ton of entries, but unfortunately, I could only pick one and that one is Rich N. of Indianapolis, IN. Rich, you lucky dog, the SuperBolt is shipping out this morning with a Pedal Label pack. Let us know what you think of the SuperBolt!
For those of you that didn’t win, I have a few more pedals in the give away queue, and I’ll announce the next one soon. Thanks everyone!
12 years ago
do non-American participant win sometimes your awesome give aways?Just wondering about that huh…
Reply -
12 years ago
GAH! So close. Same city but not me. Rats! Wait, did I even apply to this one??!?!?! Oh now I really hate myself.