Today’s Free Shirt Wednesday is brought to you by Inside the Black. A band from Los Angeles, California. I really dig getting shirts from bands, and to hear some new stuff… so first off, I’d like to thank Scott for sending the shirt over.
I’ve never heard of the band, so wanted to learn more. They’re definitely tapped into the various social media connections (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, etc), but I ended up really exploring their primary web site at I thought it was cool that they were offering their entire self titled album for download (I always admire this, especially for bands trying to get more exposure).
Listening to a few tracks, they’re definitely have that classic L.A. rock sound from the 80s and 90s but with a little more meat on the bone. I also liked the recordings, raw and natural. The guitar track felt like a mic on the cab… punchy and loud.
After hearing a few tracks and seeing that they play some sweet clubs in the L.A. area, I wanted to check out a live performance or two on YouTube. The definitely have their stage presence and performance figured out. Here is a video of “Leave it all Behind” at the Whisky:
If you like what you see/hear, check out their site at to get more! Again, I’d like to thank Scott from the band for contacting me and sending me a shirt! Much appreciated!
Now, if you want to be featured on Free Shirt Wednesday.. it’s really quite simple. Send me a shirt, if it’s music related (ie: guitar builder, band, pedal builder, guitar shop, recording studio, etc) I’ll dedicate a blog post about your biz, band, etc. I’ll take a photo with my aging, slightly pudgy mug and post it. Great simple, cheap form of advertising. Still interested? Then check this page for more info
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