I like Magpie and his channel. A while back I did a feature of his video where he does some extreme circuit bending for the Boss DS-1. People loved that video and all the craziness associated with it. It’s clear, he sort of likes the Boss DS-1.. or does he?
Yesterday, on Magpie’s Instagram account, I saw this photo of a Boss DS-1 that have bullet holes in them. Okay, you official got my attention. So he shot the Boss DS-1. But when I looked at his account, I see there is a whole series of punishing trials the poor DS-1 had to go through, and I watched every one. It was intriguing and interesting.. and of course, entertaining! So, does he like the pedal? Or does he hate it?
No matter if you hate this pedal or not, it is interesting to see how much abuse it can take. I have to say, I’m impressed with the durability of the Boss pedals. I’ve always though that (for example, I’ve been rockin’ the same Boss TU-2 tuner forever now).
Let’s begin with the series…
Boss DS-1 gets so punished by Magpie
Boss DS-1 gets dropped from a roof:
Boss DS-1 driven over by a front end loader:
Boss DS-1 is shot with a gun:
Boss DS-1 has a safe dropped on it:
Oh.. lordy. I hope you enjoyed this group of vids. I have to say, I feel sort of bad for the DS-1. To me.. should have been the Metal Zone. Right? Let me know what you think by commenting below!
7 years ago
metal zone is such a wuss of a pedal it would have evolved legs is one second to escape these punishments.. haha
Reply -
5 years ago
What kind of moron someone need to be to destroy guitar pedals, why pedals, really wtf