Listening to the Tone Mob yesterday, Blake mentioned the Dream Sequence Programmable Rhythm & Octave by Hologram Electronics. He had a hard time describing and explaining what the pedal does. I did a quick google and youtube on it, and I can see why. It’s crazy. Crazy cool, so I wanted to talk about it today.
I messed with a pedal a long time ago called the HyperSlicer by Perfect Square, which was a hard cut tremolo pedal. It gave you signal or no signal, nothing in between and you could set the rate.. hence the name – hyperslicer. It was awesome to chop things up with precision. Definitely some cool factor there. Also, there is the Boss SL-20 Slicer that cuts and slices pieces, adds a bit of effects, but in a rhythmic pattern (50 rhythms if I remember correctly). Again, pretty neat for creating instant grooves.
The Dream Sequence Programmable Rhythm & Octave by Hologram Electronics is basically this, but gives you control with the octaves. It’s very feature rich, and for something like this, looks incredibly easy to work with.
Here is a listing of features:
   Octave Up and Down Pitch Shifting
Pattern Sequencer/Arpeggiator
Rhythmic Gate, with dynamic ADSR “morphingâ€
Tap Tempo
Digitally-Controlled, Analog Drive and Tone
Infinite “Hold†Sampler
24 Built-in Presets
Save Custom Presets, with 11 Save Slots
Pattern Recorder, for creating custom patterns via tapping footswitches
Record and Save Knob “Automationâ€
Expression Pedal Input, mappable to many controls
Check out this great video:
The unit sells for $425 directly from their site, but they currently out of stock.. and I can see why. It’s insanely cool. Let me know what you think of this guy by commenting below!
9 years ago
Wow. That is super cool. nice new variations on a some semi-overdone pedal concepts. I like.
Reply -
9 years ago
This is awesome! Maybe even a good guitar player can win with this over a MIDI Keyboard! Arpeggiator and octave controller are surely the most notable features of it. I hope it will guide the old-fashioned Multi-effects pedals. Thanks for the post.