I’m pretty excited about this one. I was a little late to the party, but about 6 months ago, I learned about the great London based band – Savages. This is an all female band that is amazing. Moody, powerful and dissonant are just a few words that I can use to describe this band. You definitely can hear the influences of this band – a little Siouxsie Sioux on vocals. Maybe a little Ian Curtis in there too. The guitar I love. Jagged, piercing and rockin’ for sure. I can pick up some early Danial Ash of Bauhaus in there.
Gemma Thompson is the guitarist of the Savages. Being the only guitarist in the band she has a lot of freedom and responsibility to build up the sonics.. and she kills it. Check out this fantastic KEXP video of Savages:
I’ve been very curious of Gemma’s rig for a while. I’ve seen a few photos, but nothing really great – until now. Out of the blue I received an email from Brian which included this great photo of her board. He was totally fortunate to have seem them during their NYC residency. Lucky bastard. Check out his post.
Here is the photo of Gemma’s board:
Boss RE-20 Space Echo
Boss TU-3 Tuner
Moog MF Boost
MXR M104 Distortion+
Fulltone OCD
Maxon 808 Reissue
MXR M103 Blue Box
Flux Effects Liquid Ambience
Morley ABC Switcher
Boss DD-20 GigaDelay
Unknown Custom Splitter/Switcher
Diago Power Supplies
This board brought up a few questions, and Gemma.. if you’re reading, please help answer. First interesting thing – the Boss RE-20 Space Echo being first in line, and even in front of the TU-3 tuner. Interesting! Also, I’m not sure about the Red box at the end of the board. It *appears* to be splitter type of pedal
Let me know what you think about Savages.. the board.. or Gemma, etc., by commenting below!
10 years ago
I’m also curious about the Space Echo placement. I like delays first because some have great preamps on them, and sometimes dirtying up a delay sounds soubds great!
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10 years ago
I would never have guessed those sounds came from an MXR Distortion+, but that’s awesome! I always just think of the Randy Rhoads tone with those boxes, it’s definitely cool to see somebody make something new out of it.
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9 years ago
The Red box is a stereo kill switch she had custom made, as she uses a Vox hand wired AC30 and Fender Twin Reverb.
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7 years ago
The tuner is before the Space Echo to act as a kill switch in using tuners ‘bypass’: hitting the tuner kills trails from Space Echo…all noise stops