Today’s pedal line is from Philippe Baudet. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
I’ve been a big fan of this site since I started last year to build my first pealboard for me and for my daughter…She has just started playing Guitar but I thought that Pedals were so cool that I should build a complete one….So, I went online a lot to understand what we should need and why and here is the result.
First, because, my last pedals in the loop are stereo, I wanted to build a stereo set up…I have already an Egnater Tweaker 40 and the second one is on the way…ur Guitars are a G&L Legacy, USA made Strat HSS and another G&L ASAT BLUES BOY, USA as well…and an Ibanez SR1200 premium XV anniversary…(Traveller 400 Eden, thanks Ebay…). The pedal-board is from Chemistry design, made in Minnesota, not too far from where I live in Canada, so, with the food style I thought it was the one I wanted to have….
So, to start with the dirts, I have first in the Chain, a WilsonRippah Q Wah pedal Vintage 12 positions, the only one I found that is so versatile…(Oups, Sorry, the TC Polytune is first…)
Second, Catalinabread Octaver, I hesitated a lot because it was not cheap but don’t regret it at all (Thanks Axe yu shall receive for the very good advices…)…very nicenot only in octaver but with other dirts…
Third, Malekko Omnicron Envelop filter, very small so, perfect for me…
Fourth, Joemeek Floor Q compressor, I fund this one on ebay and because I have the Rack version in my home studio (Joemeek Twin Q preamp), I knew that it could be a good choice for Guitar and Bass…
Maxon Dual Boost. When I realized that it was two boosts in one pedal, I jumped on it, because I wanted to have also a very clean boost at the end of the chain, on top of another more vintage boost, so, perfect, I had saved again some space on my pedal-board.
Fifth, TC overdrive Mojo Mojo, it might not be the best overdrive in the world, but I like it, it’s not too special and to begin with, it was perfect…
Sixth, TC Distortion, the same, both together they sound amazing…
Seventh, Swollen Pickle Way Huge, Long and Mac Quade made me discover this one and I realized that it was a very sought after pedals, so, good choice I think…
And after the Maxxon clean Boost, the signal goes to the second channel of the Empress Buffer…By the way, the guitar output goes into the Radial Dragster, so, I can adjust the Load and after that, I have the First channel of the Empress buffer…So, finally, a buffer at the beginning and at the end of the signal…
Last but not least, the signal is split by the Radial big Shot ABY, which is the transparent switcher I was looking for ( I have the booster before, so, I won’t loose any signal…)
1)KO Amps Tremolo, I wanted a small one and Axe you shall receive made me discover it…I know the position is not the usual one but because it’s a mono pedal, I needed to put it at first…I won’t use it a lot with other pedals anyway, so…
2)TC Phaser and TC SCF chorus….OK, I konw, I have a lot of TC but I have these ones for a while, I was using them with my keys in the 80’s…and still use them with my Stage II…And after the SCF, all the effects are in stereo…and the SCF is true stereo (not just the left with effects and the right with the original signal…)
3) Vortex Flanger ( Got it free with TC mail in rebate…)
4) TC alter ego, I’m a big fan of Pink Floyd, so, the tone print made by Pro Guitar Shop convinced me…
5) TC Hall of Fame, almost Half Price used at Long and Mac Quade, and because the reviews were good, I took it.
6) Last one, Ditto Looper, small, very easy, to start with, it was perfect…
As I didn’t want to plug and unplug everything all the time, I ordered a Patchbay from Loop Master, good price, nice quality and so, Both send and receive and Guitar output and Amp out to Front amp go through them…I have also 2 stereo patchbay for the two Channel Switch/Loop effect Switchers for the two amps…
Last thing, in order to have as many choices as I could, I Bought the Boss LS-2 in order to mix the two send coming from the two amps…
That’s it, I also attached the drawing of the pedal-board, so, you can see the connections….and everything is powered by two Voodoo Lab power 2 plus, I just need to buy them, I cannot use all the pedals with only a little wallmart anymore….
I hope you enjoyed it…
And by the way, I bought The pedal-snake, the green and the red, it’s Awesome and I bought also 3 cables from Rattlesnake (The second snake for the other Amp is Mogami 2524…), both Cie advertised on this website and I’m glad they did…
10 years ago
Wow! What a construction! It would all be a bit overwhelming to me I suspect, but a wide-ranging pallet there indeed. What a lucky young lady to have a GAS-y dad!