I’ve been liking these new delays that EHX has been putting out (Memory Toy, Memory Boy, etc), and they just recently released the Deluxe Memory Boy Delay. This pedal is quite powerful and versatile, and really takes the Memory Boy to the next level. So what’s different in the Deluxe Memory Boy? First off, you have additional controls. There is Gain, Rate and Delay that are not found in the vanilla boy. You also have tap tempo ability, with tap division settings. Both pedals have the expression pedal input, but the deluxe has expression mode, allowing you to apply the expression pedal to Rate, Depth, Feedback or Delay. The Deluxe also has a built in effects loop.
Here is the official description of the pedal:
The Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy is a smooth analog delay that takes its heritage from the 1970s Memory Man and the legendary Deluxe Memory Man. The Memory Boy uses the Deluxe Memory Man as a base, expanding upon it with additional modulation features and an optional expression pedal input for external control over delay time or modulation rate.
Memory Boy features a 550ms delay time, allowing you to explore limitless textures. A three-way toggle switch lets you add in vibrato or chorus, or control the delay time with an external expression pedal.
Since the early 1970’s, Electro-Harmonix has been designing analog delays featured on some of the greatest recordings and used by iconic musicians throughout the world. From the original Memory Man guitar pedal to the Deluxe Memory Man, still available today, EHX delay pedals are desired instruments for the organic tones that deliver textures that define quality.
Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy Delay Guitar Effects Pedal Features:
* All analog delay with Feedback
* Up to 550ms delay time
* Selectable Chorus or Vibrato modulations rates
* Choose between triangle or square modulation waveforms
* Expression pedal control of delay time or modulation rate (expression pedal extends the range of modulation rate)
* True Bypass
I found this great video by EHX demoing this pedal:
You can pick up the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Boy Delay for $179.25 at Musician’s Friend.
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15 years ago
I pre-ordered this pedal and got it a few weeks ago. It’s a really nice box, but I’ve found that the rate and depth controls are so sensitive that unless you want a really wild sound, it’s best to just leave them centered.