Will Cady of Source Audio sent me a email today and let me know about some great videos for their new SoundBlox Pro Multiwave distortion. I have to say these videos were quite great and really shows the versatility of the multiwave. Very interesting. You bass players out there should really enjoy this first video!
The next video goes into additional detail on the SoundBlox and shows what it can do with guitar. You can find out where to buy the SoundBlox Pro MultiWave at their newly updated website (http://www.sourceaudio.net).
You can also find some good deals on other Source Audio pedals at Amazon!
14 years ago
Honestly. This thiin looks pretty frakkin’ awesome. I dunno about their look-ma-no-hands ring controller deal, it looks a bit, er, gimmicky. But I’m gonna have to hunt up a place to check out the distortion pedals. At least on youtube audio it seems a might bit tasty, now just gotta hear one in person.
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