After announcing the first Effects Bay pedal give-away, where I’m working with Fat Tone Guitars to give away a prototype F-Bomb Fuzz pedal, I thought it would be cool to shift gears and talk about phasers.
I use to have a lot of fun with phasers. I still own my MXR Phase 100 and I remember playing the older EHX Small Stone (military green box) back in the day. What got me thinking about them again is the EHX nano small stone, and trying to remember how the small stone compared to the Phase 100, and I honestly couldn’t remember. But, as expected, I found a pretty sweet shootout comparison video with my favorite demo dude (gearmandude) where he demos the ModTone MT-PH Atomic Phaser, Electro-Harmonix Nano Small Stone Phase Shifter, MXR CSP-101CL Custom Shop ‘Script’ Phase 90 and the standard MXR M-101 Phase 90.
You can pick up all of these pedals in the demo at Musician’s Friend
Modtone MT-PH Atomic Phaser – $99.95
Electro-Harmonix Nano Small Stone Phase Shifter – $78.00
MXR CSP-101CL Custom Shop Script Phase 90 – $99.99
MXR M-101 Phase 90 – $79.99
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