I don’t know if you know this about me… but I kinda-sorta like pedals. I love the ability to use effects to adjust my sound and tone. I like that I get bored with one pedal or inspired by another and that usually leads me to entirely different musical direction. I like talking with fellow musicians in the same never-ending quest for dialing in the rig to perfection. But we all know, that perfection is a fleeting moment, and what we think is perfect today, will not be tomorrow. Frankly, pedals.. are fun.
Over the last few years, I’ve been been brainstorming about developing a new site for pedals. One thing, as a guitarist that was frustrating.. was how to search for pedals that might be right for me. Usually, you need to know what you’re searching to search.. right? When you go to a retailer, there is a big ol’ search box and you type the name of pedals you’re familiar with. But how do you search for something new?
People ask me about pedals all the time (Twitter/Facebook), and I usually ask what type of amp they’re playing. What kind of music they’re into, etc. This is where logic started to develop.
The last year, I picked up a partner (Jerry Petasek) and the rubber really hit the road on this new site idea. We developed a site where you search for pedals that may be good for you – based on your style. The site is called Pedal Finder!
The site takes in reviews, but these reviews also ask what genres the pedal is played, how do you use the pedal (leads, rhythm, etc), what type of instrument, what pickups, what amps, etc. This information is then used to help you with your search. I mentioned this to a friend early on and he said “Wow.. this is like a dating site, but for pedals”. Yes.. that’s exactly right.
Additionally, going beyond ‘style’ search, you can also search bands/artists and get a listing of pedals associated with them. You can also search by ‘look’. So, if you’re trying to identify that orange pedal with 3 knobs and 2 footswitches from the band you saw last night, this site may be able to help.
Now, the title of this post mentions “give away”. Here is where it gets fun. If you sign up at the site and start adding information – reviews, artist tags, YouTube clips, etc., these all count as “entries” for a pedal give away. So, the more you do, the more entries you generate. This current give away will be for a Mad Professor Golden Cello ($150 value). A great sounding overdrive/delay! A random entry will be selected on May 24th, so plenty of time to have some fun with the site. The pedal give aways on the site.. will be a regular thing, so you’ll want to keep an eye as those come out. To get in on the action, go here and create an account!
On top of that, I’m going to sweeten the deal. If you ‘LIKE’ Pedal Finder on Facebook and you’re selected as the winner, I’ll throw in an extra prize – A free Pedal Label System pack (learn more at PedalLabels.com). I’ll also throw in a EffectsBay t-shirt too!
So, it’s pretty much a no-brainer to like Pedal Finder on Facebook! Just click the ‘like’ below.
I’ve been hinting about this site for a few weeks now, and was asking for some volunteers. I would like to take a quick moment, and thank all of you volunteers that contacted me! Your help was massive! Thank you, thank you!
10 years ago
Oh how I need a good overdrive and I know the Mad Professor is a kick but pedal.I am so glad I found the website The Pedal Finder. With all the free give aways on this site, we are all bound to win something sooner or later. Thanks Pedal Finder for the opportunity to check out so many different pedals before we go and spend money first. Looking forward to the good times ahead. I am really excited about this site.
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10 years ago
This is off the subject but what is website where you can rent pedals instead of buying them. I know that I have read something about that here. Thanks