I’m excited to announce the winner of the VFE Fiery Red Horse Fuzz give away is Rick Willems of Crescent City, CA! Congratulations Rick for winning this bad boy – may the fuzz be with you. I’ll be shipping this pedal off in the morning!
I wanted to again thank Peter of VFE Pedals for making this give away possible. If you want to learn more about VFE Pedals and what they can do for you, please check out their web site. They make awesome pedals at very affordable prices. Not to mention, Peter is very great guy to deal with! You can also stay on top of what VFE Pedals is doing by liking them on Facebook.
For those of you that entered, and didn’t win…. I’ll be announcing another give away tomorrow. This last one was fun, and I don’t want to wait a few weeks for another run. I’m thinking two give ways this month might be good way to go! Don’t you?
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